Thursday, February 23, 2012


Just seeking attention.

I hear it all the time.  "Ignore her, she's just seeking attention" "man, what an attention seeker" "Why do you dress that way?  It just gets attention!"

I am perhaps the last person who should be writing these words.   I like to avoid attention, for the most part, unless it be that of close friends.  On the other hand, in a part of me I try to deny sometimes, I thrive on it.  I love being on stage, I love singing for people.

But it's just attention seeking.

Isn't it?

So what if it is?  Why has wanting attention become just a bad thing?

Or is it just because I'm a woman? Sometimes I wonder if that is truly the case.  Sit down, shut up, listen, know your place.  Why not talk over me?  I'm just seeking attenion anyway.

More and more, I can't see the problem with wanting attention.  Mind you I have a problem with shoving your head up your ass to GET that attention, but in general, wanting to have your existance acknowledged?  What is so wrong about that?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it is becausae "Attention" for doing mindless things, hurtfull things, or showing every horror that befall folks has become the way people get attention. Doing what your gifts, talents and mindfullness asked you to do is not attention seeking but sharing your grace. Those who do not really need attention seem to be the ones who get the RIGHT type of attention. Do you and that is all that needs to be done.
