Thursday, February 23, 2012


Just seeking attention.

I hear it all the time.  "Ignore her, she's just seeking attention" "man, what an attention seeker" "Why do you dress that way?  It just gets attention!"

I am perhaps the last person who should be writing these words.   I like to avoid attention, for the most part, unless it be that of close friends.  On the other hand, in a part of me I try to deny sometimes, I thrive on it.  I love being on stage, I love singing for people.

But it's just attention seeking.

Isn't it?

So what if it is?  Why has wanting attention become just a bad thing?

Or is it just because I'm a woman? Sometimes I wonder if that is truly the case.  Sit down, shut up, listen, know your place.  Why not talk over me?  I'm just seeking attenion anyway.

More and more, I can't see the problem with wanting attention.  Mind you I have a problem with shoving your head up your ass to GET that attention, but in general, wanting to have your existance acknowledged?  What is so wrong about that?